2016 VNCS Annual General Meeting (AGM)



Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society
2016 Annual General Meeting

Sunday, January 31, 2016
Esquimalt Rec Centre, 527 Fraser Street.
(Senior’s Room which is just to the left of the main entrance)
Registration 9:15 am
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
(Memberships can be created/renewed at the AGM)

Support your society and attend the VNCS AGM on Sunday, January 31, 2016 at the Esquimalt Rec Centre.
Proceedings begin at 9:30 am with various reports recapping the past year.

This will be followed by nominations and election of the new board. Please consider sitting on the board, it’s a great
way to get to know more about the Japanese community here in Victoria.

9:15 am Registration (tea and coffee served)
9:30 am AGM
Call to order
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes of Annual General Meeting held Sunday, February 1, 2015
a) President’s Report
b) Treasurer’s Report
c) Newsletter Report
d) Membership Report
e) Uminari Taiko Report
f) Furusato Dancers Report
g) Cultural Fall Fair Report
h) Sakura Fujinkai Report
i) Website Report
j) NAJC Report

New Business
11:00 am Election of Officers and Directors

Adjournment of AGM
Refreshments and light snacks served

11:45 am Presentation on Asian Canadians on Vancouver Island – Dr. John Price

Asian Canadians on Vancouver Island: Race, Indigeneity and the Transpacific: Dr. John Price

Dr. John Price is the Principal Investigator of the SSHRC – funded project “Asian Canadians on Vancouver Island: Race, Indigeneity and the Transpacific”. The purpose of the project is to (re)conceptualize Asian Canadian history on Vancouver Island, with specific focus on ties with First Nations, and the transpacific. It will look at historical relation-ships among settler communities, their relations with First Nations, and also draw attention to allies who, in standing up for the rights of the marginalized, were harbingers of Canada’s multicultural future. The project’s goals include the establishment of a new research collection on Asian Canadian history; the writing of two books based on this collection; the construction of a digital history website housing the stories and related inventories from local archives and museums; a learning resource for history instructors; and the mounting of Asian Canadian exhibits in local museums.

John teaches Japanese and Asian Canadian history at the University of Victoria. He moved to Japan at the age of 18. After returning to Canada he did his graduate work at U.B.C. and his dissertation was published by Cornell University Press under the title Japan Works: Power and Paradox in Postwar Industrial Relations. Around the year 2000 he began to broaden his research interests to Canada – East Asian relations and this work culminated in the publication of his recent book Orienting Canada: Race, Empire and the Transpacific (Vancouver, UBC Press, 2011). He is writing a history of Pacific Canada based on the life stories of fifteen people with transpacific roots which includes Peter Higashi, a founder of the New Canadian and Roy Oshiro, teacher and Baptist minister now living in Okinawa.