2017 VNCS Annual General Meeting (AGM)


Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society
2017 Annual General Meeting

Sunday, February 5, 2017
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, 1040 Moss Street.

Registration 9:45 am
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
(Memberships can be created/renewed at the AGM)

Support your society and attend the VNCS AGM on Sunday, Feb 7, 2017 at the Greater Victoria Art Gallery.

Proceedings begin at 10:00 am with various reports recapping the past year.

This will be followed by nominations and election of the new board. Please consider sitting on the board, it’s a great way to get to know more about the Japanese community here in Victoria.

Our special guest speaker will be Barry Till, Former Curator of Asian Art, AGGV.  At the end of the AGM and presentation you are invited to visit the Art Gallery.  There will be no charge but a donation would be much appreciated.

9:45 am Registration (tea and coffee served)

10:00 am AGM

Call to order
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes of Annual General Meeting held Sunday, January 31, 2016

a) President’s Report
b) Treasurer’s Report
c) Newsletter Report
d) Membership Report
e) Uminari Taiko Report
f) Furusato Dancers Report
g) Cultural Fall Fair Report
h) Sakura Fujinkai Report
i) Website Report
j) NAJC Report

New Business
11:15 am
Election of Officers and Directors

Adjournment of AGM
Coffee & muffins

11:30 am
Presentation –  Millennia, Asian Art through the Ages Exhibition

Mr. Barry Till, Former Curator of Asian Art
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Barry will examine the history of the Asian art collection at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria and will discuss the importance of some of the finest pieces – art from China, Tibet, Japan etc.

Barry Till for the past 35 years has been the Curator of Asian Art at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Canada.  He has a wide knowledge on Asian culture, history and archaeology. He has travelled extensively throughout Asia and has lectured on numerous expeditions and private jet tours for various museums, universities, and organizations such as National Geographic Expeditions (including three TCS trips entitled “Lands of the Great Buddha”). He has travelled to most of the sacred religious sites in Asia and has published more than 100 books, exhibition catalogues (including Art from The Roof of the World: Tibet and The Buddhist Arts of Asia and articles on various Asian art topics.  In 2008, Barry received the Distinguished Service Award from the Canadian Museums Association.

After the AGM you are welcome to visit the Art Gallery.  Admission is by donation.