The VNCS is registered under the BC Society Act and has Charitable Status. Your donations are tax-deductable and are always welcome.Your donations help to fund Japanese cultural events and other activities, as well as supporting the VNCS grant program. For more information about making a donation please contact us.
You can DONATE ONLINE through Canada Helps:
To make a donation, please make cheques payable to: Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society, and send them to:
Donations – Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society
3933 Cumberland Road
Victoria BC, V8P 3J5
Donations help the VNCS to support and/or promote the following annual and past community events:
Support Japan 2011 (Earthquake/Tsunami Relief Efforts)
Mochi-Tsuki Kai (held annually with the Japanese Friendship Society & the Victoria Japanese Heritage Language School Society)
VNCS Nori Tori (Members Only – Annual)
Victoria Tea Festival (Annual)
Sakura Chanoyu (Haiti Fundraiser)
VNCS Spring Potluck Social (Annual Cheery Blossom Viewing)
Plaque Dedication Ceremony at Japanese #1 Town (Cumberland)
25th Anniversary of the twinning of Victoria and Morioka
All Japanese Car Show n’ Shine (Annual)
Maritime Forces Pacific Centennial International Fleet Review
VNCS Golf Tournament (Annual)
Art Jam 2010
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Remembered (Annual)
O-Bon Ceremony at Ross Bay Cemetery (Annual)
Japanese Cultural Fair at Esquimalt Gorge Park Pavilion (Annual)
And many others!